Hawaiian Hibiscus

Although people generally combine the hibiscus flower as a flower of the State of Hawaii, but the more than 200 species of hibiscus, which are now only seven of whom are natives of this state. Most flowers are seen by tourists in Hawaii, not as a rule the islands. Hibiscus can be found, in general, in places where the climate is warm, tropical and subtropical regions around the world. There are two annuals and perennialsHibiscus.

Typical usage

The flowers of hibiscus children are those that are seen as a symbol of visits to Hawaii. These beautiful flowers are typically used for decorative purposes, while the shrubs are used in these facilities mainly for purposes of landscape.


The flowers of hibiscus in Hawaii in a variety of colors are used. This is the reason why they become so popular among visitors to Hawaii. With many colorsWhat stands out, with the size of the flowers of hibiscus has been very popular combination for decorative purposes. All the colors that come hibiscus flowers, are all light and is typical of the tropical grounds. Therefore, it is very good with drawings of what the tourists are accustomed to seeing, Hawaii.

Other Uses

There are a variety of applications for the hibiscus. Can be used as material to produce paper, and used to make tea andJams. There were also studies that show the extract of Hibiscus contain health benefits. For example, the extracts were used to relieve constipation and nausea. The bark of the hibiscus contains strong fibers. These fibers are a popular material for the production of grass skirts.

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Strelitzia reginae bird of paradise flower, or flowers is the most elegant and beautiful with the colors green, orange, blue and pink. The flower resembles the head and beak of an exotic bird in shape, while the leaves are larger and longer for the tribe. It 'really an amazing plant.

If you believe that a plant so beautiful rather temperamental, you need to grow, it would be wrong. The Strelitzia is quite robust in the sense their fleshy rootsthat can tolerate drought with ease. Will sail through the light winter frosts without damage and is not particular to the type of soil to grow inside Indeed, it grows very well in the ground, but it is impoverished. This does not mean that it does not respond to a good dose of fertilizer.

The property will become a stable lumps that can be divided if you reduce the force may have tangled in the system root. It 'just so happy, the grass growsFor example, as in a good garden soil with great care and attention is rich on it. But in reality you can kill with his goodness as possible, since I do not like too much water.

Some people think that the plant does not tolerate cold or hot - but this depends on the weather hot or cold, their meaning. In temperate climates are the cold weather, the plant will be at temperatures up to about -5 degrees Celsius. In extremely hot conditions, you will find a shadySquare is best for your bird of paradise, as a rule, but the conditions can be calm up to 35 degrees Celsius or more.

When grown from seed, the plant can not bloom for several years. Why worry about the seeds, if part of the plant will grow attached with a small root and flourish in a year? The flowers last a good couple of weeks with the new orange blossoms coming out in this period to those who have to replace Brown.

The cut flowers will lastfor centuries in a vase. While the most commonly grown Strelitzia is orange, there's a new era gold, which has now been developed. They say Mandela's Gold, and plant seeds of flowers in two years a significant growth.

Strelitzia alba is the white flowering form that grows up to eighteen meters in height, while the giant Strelitzia Nicholai family, with an existing tribe, which can be 20 meters high, the leaves and add another 10 feet out.

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Light leaves must

The leaves of plants are food factories, and light is the force that helps them to produce food by air and ground elements. Most plants require many hours of sun a day, to grow satisfactorily. Rose, for example, are at least six hours. Some plants, however, get along with little light, so that they grow in shade or partial shade.

A good general rule to remember is that the sun is usually more the plant has the better it willFlower.

Morning light is a kind of light, bright but relatively cool, so that the east side of the house is in a prime location for the plants.

Afternoon sun is hot and difficult, so a radiation West is less versatile.

So moving and heating of the ground is desirable in the spring to start growing plants. And it is good year round in cold climates. But in hot summer areas, it can overheat the soil and roots dry, so the plants often require part-shade, or near enoughtogether to shade the soil or plant in a soil protection mat cover.


The light hits the plants in many ways. The scientific name for the process by which green plants use light energy to carbohydrates (food) from carbon dioxide and water to synthesize "photosynthesis", from the Greek words photo meaning light, and synthesis, so the compilation.

Light provides the energy to transform carbon dioxide from the air forWater and certain inorganic minerals into organic matter and oxygen, which give the plant, while there is light. Where the light is not present, stops photosynthesis, plants absorb oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The research led to the classification of plants according to their characteristics of day length. One group, "short-day plants flower when the days are short and the nights are long." Long Day plants flower when the days are long and the nights are short.Others are not affected by day length and are considered "light, neutral or indifferent."

The list includes the following municipalities of flowers and vegetable plants according to their need for light.

Short-ski days (10 to 12 hours of light)










Potato (tuber development)

Strawberry Geranium

Sweet Potato

Long-day plants (14 to18 hours of light)

Most of the year



Chinese cabbage








Tuberous begonia

Regardless plants






BrusselsBrussels sprouts












Begonia semperflorens






That regulate the light in the garden

Outdoor gardeners can get their results, increasing the quantity and the consecutive hours of lighting systems for their improvement. A mulch white (as the stones of light), a building painted white or fenceor wear strips placed on a sheet of aluminum in the garden more light energy to the plant into consideration, and encourage more growth. Fruit growers can prune to increase flowering in the middle of their trees bud formation through which the light in the center of their trees.

Light also affects the germination of seeds. Some seeds germinate readily when exposed than when the light buried in the ground. Being herbs, lettuce, celery, snapdragons, petunias and flowering tobacco, all of success ifThe seeds are only pushed down, or slightly diluted in culture medium.

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Flower gardens can grow wild or are in a certain place in your garden, like a bed of flowers. You can combine flowers and have different colors to enhance your landscape. You can choose to take a full year, annual herbaceous plants that live more than 2 years, and biennial plants to 2 years of their life cycle.

I would recommend you to plant a garden of roses. There is something almost spiritual about rose gardens. Their exhilaratingFragrance for their delicate flowers, walking in a rose garden and peaceful experience. Growing a garden of roses is not difficult, but many gardeners complain that their roses as beautiful as ever they would like them to be. If you struggle to grow roses, follow these simple steps and your rose garden is the envy of your area.

1. How can a beautiful garden full of flowers of roses? Roses to be fed. Should always be provided. The best way to feedSitting on your roses in winter, with a calendar and write a feeding program for your rose garden. If you continue to eat your calendar, while in. Is not your roses very well, feed them occasionally. Some people like to use a slow release fertilizer, but in reality the roses best when a strong organic fertilizer is routinely applied.

Some ideal fertilizer for your rose garden fertilizers include blood meal and composted. Roses love a high nitrogen feed, so that ifShare your own compost, make sure you receive many grass nitrogen to the soil.

2. Roses need about two inches of water per week. If you do not get this kind of rainfall in your area, it is important to them water every few days. You can cut the amount of water, you must provide them with your hand if you work hard for mulching your roses. Mulching is a great way to keep the roots of your roses emphasized. E 'is also excellent for controlling weeds. WeedsCompete with your roses for key nutrients and water, so that when you mulch your rose gardens will help your roses get the most out of the soil around them.

The best you can use mulch grass clippings or compost that contains many clippings of nitrogen-rich grass. If you mulch with grass to feed to enter the land that will feed your roses.

3. It seems a travesty to cut your roses, but in reality, if you cut the rose garden, you opt for beautiful flowersSeasons come. Always deadhead roses spent by them in their second set of leaves. This will allow for more flowers to come into season.

Sure to give your roses a good size in the first half of spring. Cut each piece of dead or diseased wood. After removing the damaged wood, one step back, and the design of your Bush. Be sure to keep the thin branches, so that each of us has a circular room air, your roses free of mold andred.

You need to decide whether you want your flowers grow wild in some places, such as a bank or a path to the entrance of the house. You may also decide to choose a special place in your garden and decided to start small flower gardens there, as was seen in front of your house for all. You can not have fun experimenting with different blending plant and a combination of annuals with perennials or vice versa, and you forget to mix biennial plants.

All flowershave their own temperament and you catch, otherwise it will be much of a flower garden. Some flowers grow better in some regions than others because of soil conditions and climate, to make sure that the right to choose flowers for your region. Also check if it is the ideal time to plant your garden with flowers, so you can be prepared and ready when the time is ripe.

They are doing even with a professional landscape gardener for you. TheGardeners should be able to tell you, the flowers would be the best garden and allow you to create your own arrangement for him to take her clothes or her to complete the vision. You do not want confusion in your garden, or it could look more like a wild area like a garden full of flowers. You should also consider the time that will be issued upon receipt of your garden with flowers, because you want to look nice and not be shut down.

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Texas Friendly Flowers

Who love the beauty and color of flowers, but the scan at the thought that the maintenance required for their maintenance? If its colorful flowers is a tendency to brown and crunchy from neglect in the hot Austin sun, there may be some flowers are just for you. Flora native or adapted to the area thrive in Austin, where others die, resisting drought, pests and other hazards. Just choose plants wisely and you can be fabulous landscape for your property with littleWork.

There are many benefits to growing native plants. In addition to saving water and fertilizer saving time to grow the plants in the unique climate of Austin, Texas. Gardening is even more fun if you can not fight Mother Nature to try to cultivate plants that are not suited to the climate of Texas. It 'also good to maintain the original ecosystem of your locale by promoting local plants and flowers.

Perennials are an essential elementPart of a living landscape, and a nice choice for any flower Texas Cedar Sage. A shade lover, Cedar Sage has bright red flowers that bloom in spring summer, in India, and can carry a color pop in an otherwise dark place in your garden. Sage is also available in several varieties, including Majestic Sage, Mealy Blue Sage and Mexican Sage Bush, all the pretty flowers and require very little water, like Cedar Sage.

Lantana is another finalgreat choice, especially when used as ground cover. It 'very tolerant of poor conditions, very resistant to drought, and lavender flowers are very attractive to butterflies.

Purple cone flowers, who knows as Echinacea, require a little 'water most of previous works, but they are exceptional pieces of a garden in Austin. This daisy-flowers are a native of Texas and produce flowers white or purple. Preferring sun or partial shade, whichcan be planted almost anywhere.

Mexican Honeysuckle is another low-water plant. It shows its orange flowers spring to frost, attracting hummingbirds with its perfume. It requires only occasional pruning to encourage full growth.

Ornamental grasses are another option to improve the landscape, and there are many resistant varieties to choose from, as the Big Muhly, Little Bluestem and Dwarf Fountain Grass. Some herbs can be very invasive, so be carefulStructure, where they are, because they grow and take over.

These are just some of the many ideal plants for your Texas landscape. There are many choices, so that next time when you click on a childcare place, make sure the tasks before or ask the people running the nursery, plants and flowers native Texas. The city of Austin has worked to promote a green city and environmentally friendly. The city of Austin has a Grow Green plantList of local landscape and adapted plants that thrive in Texas. From plant smart, you can save water, fertilizer and time.

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He likes to go outside in your garden and enjoy the beauty of colorful flowers? You feel like the sound of birds chirping and the sight of delicate wings of butterflies? Do you want flowers that return each year and multiply investments? You're in a desert as the area where the water a concern?

Starting a garden, lawn takes patience and dedication. But once you do the time, what is needed, you can have long-termEnjoyment with little maintenance. Wild flowers are abundant, with the possibility nourished plants in your soil that falls into a bed of flowers every spring. Collecting plants or plants that require shade cloth magic no degree landscape. Use your creativity, there are no fixed rules.

Preparing the ground, casting, weeding, pruning and flower side are all important in their childhood. More importantstart small and work the land. Want plants that coexist and mix. American wild flowers, exotic naturalized (daisies in this category) and other flowers, seeds, or even to require minimal maintenance, are good examples. Plants love, but to concentrate on native varieties. Once established, they require little irrigation or fertilization.

Here are some tips for creating a successful garden lawn:

1. Choose an area that is not too great, that at firstat least a half day of sun. Prepare the soil by plowing and cultivating.

2. Rid of weeds. If necessary, spray with herbicide.

3. Wait three weeks after spraying with herbicides, then rake the area. Find all weeds and roots and smooth the nursery.

4. If the seeds are Pflanzenkeimlingen or dispersion, choose a character that suits the size of your garden.
A small garden is best seen with small flowers that do not spread too quickly planted dwarf irisNative and lilies. Select species with different flowering times: some of the flowers) (Columbine in spring, others that bloom in summer (daisies and phlox), and others in half last fall (Aster and Coneflower).

5. When planting seeds, it is important to evenly distribute them.

6. Pound the seeds carefully around the grounds.

7. It 'important to mulch the area after sowing. Sawdust or straw, weeds are good free options .. SureMulch too strong or the offer will be difficult for plants sprout.

8. Water plants regularly with a soft spray. Plants need moisture to germinate, too.

9. Keep area free of weeds that can smother the young plants. If you take the time to keep the weeds from your garden of flowers, at first, you will pay later.

10. Cut the grass in late autumn or early winter for the area open to light and air. This prevents the problems of weeds and prepare the ground for anotherYear of lawn in the garden.

Butterflies and birds will be chosen for your garden of flowers. Placing a bird bath in the middle of the garden is an additional attraction. Other elements of fun for your garden lawn might be a comfortable bench or a decorative table and chairs. Quiet afternoon, lunch or reading the summer may be enjoyed at your flowers.

Whether it's a bed of bright yellow daisies and orange poppies and cornflowers, pink evening primrose and Texas, monthenjoyment will be the reward. Family and friends of peace and joy of walking in your world the beauty of nature. For more free articles and tips for a great variety of problems relating to women, see: http://www.aaronsonlineboutique.com

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