The classification of flowering plants.

You must comply with the plants you intend to plant family. Their knowledge of classification and naming of plants you choose the right choice for your site, the soil temperature is appropriate, and other requirements of your plants need for their growth period.

Several flowers plants differ in their growth patterns. This is your decision before looking at the main garden with flowers.

Therefore, there is no hurry to enter the garden if you are sure to give you the necessary skills.

Classification of flowers after their growth cycle.


Flowers in this classification do not live in a growing season, completing its life cycle (seeds, flowers, fruiting, and death) in this period.

This group includes many weeds, vegetables and flowers.

The duration of a cycle is different, it can take several weeks to several months depending on the species. These flowers are produced for use in the landscape, including some vegetables.

Some popular flowers (geranium, Geranium spp.) Zinnia (Zinnia elegans), Marigold (Tagetes spp.), And Pansy (Viola tricolor).


This plant completes its life cycle in two growing seasons. The first season has produced only basal leaves, the trunk develops, produces flowers and fruits, and dies in the second season.

The plant usually requires a certain environmental condition or treatment, such as exposure to low temperatures (vernalization) for spawning are placed.

Although annual plants and biennial species of wood, often in temperate zones, these plants sometimes produce secondary growth in May, the stems and roots.


They are herbaceous or woody, and grows each year by adverse weather conditions of them) growth (winter, summer, autumn and winter, then flower and fruit of a variable number of years of vegetative growth in the second year.
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